In struc tion Sheet
Gen eral De scrip tion
The ACS-101 (An tenna Combiner Split ter 10 to 1) is an
am pli fied and fil tered broadband split ter-combiner. It
allows up to 10 base sta tions to use only one trans mit
and one re ceive an tenna.
The an tenna combiner sec tion con tains in no va tive
hy brid cou pling, am pli fy ing and match ing tech nol -
ogy to com bine 10 trans mit ters to 1 out put with
very low intermod dis tor tion.
ACS-101 Prod uct Fea tures:
The an tenna split ter sec tion has broad band in put fil -
ter ing and am pli fi ca tion to main tain sig nal lev els
through the split ters. High out put iso la tion be tween
ports is also achieved.
The in dus trial strength power sup ply of the ACS-101
sup plies volt age and cur rent to two out puts on the prod -
uct. Each out put can supply up to 5 Amps at 12 VDC.
Ideal for use with BTR-1, BTR-500, BTR-600, BTR-700 wire less in ter com sys tems.
Two power out puts to sup ply up to 10 trans ceiv ers (5 on each daisy-chain run)
which makes large sys tems eas ier to im ple ment.
Standard IEC 320 power in put con nec tor
115 VAC or 230 VAC op er a tion
High-Qual ity TNC con nec tors for con sis tent im ped ance across the en tire fre quency range.
Rack mount brack ets in cluded for 19" (482.6 mm) rack
TELEX COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 12000 Portland Ave. South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Over all
An tenna Con nec tors .........................................................................................................................Stan dard TNC Re cep ta cles
AC In put Power .......................................................................................................................100 - 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 6A max
AC In put Fuse................................................................................................................................................10 A, 250 V, 3AG
DC Out put Power.........................................................................................................................12 VDC, 5 A for each out put
DC Out put Jacks ...........................................................................................................................Two, 5.5mm x 2.1 mm Jacks
DC Out put Fuses..............................................................................................................................5 A, 250 V, 5mm x 20 mm
Size ...................................................................................H: 3.50" (88.9 mm) x W: 16.75" (426 mm) x D: 14.63" (372 mm)
Weight....................................................................................................................................................10 lbs., 4 oz., (4.65 kg)
An tenna Split ter
Frequency Range ................................................................................................................................................614 - 746 MHz
Out put IP3..................................................................................................................................................Greater than 30 dBm
Net Gain................................................................................................................................................................. 0 dB Typical
Noise Fig ure .....................................................................................................................................................Less than 4.5 dB
Min i mum Iso la tion......................................................................................................................20 dB be tween ad ja cent ports.
Greater than 20 dB be tween non-ad ja cent ports
An tenna Combiner
Fre quency Range ................................................................................................................................................470 - 608 MHz
Net Gain...........................................................................................................................................................0 dB (Max i mum)
Noise Fig ure..........................................................................................................................................................10 dB Typ i cal
Out put IP3.......................................................................................................-55 dBc @ + 17 dBm in put on each transmitter
PN 803984