Silicon Laboratories C8051F344 Two-Way Radio User Manual

Rev. 0.5 169
USB Register Definition 16.4. INDEX: USB0 Endpoint Index
Table 16.2. USB0 Controller Registers
USB Register
USB Register
Description Page Number
Interrupt Registers
IN1INT 0x02 Endpoint0 and Endpoints1-3 IN Interrupt Flags 177
OUT1INT 0x04 Endpoints1-3 OUT Interrupt Flags 177
CMINT 0x06 Common USB Interrupt Flags 178
IN1IE 0x07 Endpoint0 and Endpoints1-3 IN Interrupt Enables 179
OUT1IE 0x09 Endpoints1-3 OUT Interrupt Enables 179
CMIE 0x0B Common USB Interrupt Enables 180
Common Registers
FADDR 0x00 Function Address 173
POWER 0x01 Power Management 175
FRAMEL 0x0C Frame Number Low Byte 176
FRAMEH 0x0D Frame Number High Byte 176
INDEX 0x0E Endpoint Index Selection 169
CLKREC 0x0F Clock Recovery Control 170
FIFOn 0x20–0x23 Endpoints0-3 FIFOs 172
Indexed Registers
Endpoint0 Control / Status 183
EINCSRL Endpoint IN Control / Status Low Byte 186
EINCSRH 0x12 Endpoint IN Control / Status High Byte 187
EOUTCSRL 0x14 Endpoint OUT Control / Status Low Byte 189
EOUTCSRH 0x15 Endpoint OUT Control / Status High Byte 190
Number of Received Bytes in Endpoint0 FIFO 184
EOUTCNTL Endpoint OUT Packet Count Low Byte 190
EOUTCNTH 0x17 Endpoint OUT Packet Count High Byte 190
Bits7–4: Unused. Read = 0000b; Write = don’t care.
Bits3–0: EPSEL: Endpoint Select
These bits select which endpoint is targeted when indexed USB0 registers are accessed.
- - - - EPSEL 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 USB Address:
INDEX Target Endpoint
0x0 0
0x1 1
0x2 2
0x3 3
0x4–0xF Reserved