Pickup Group Extensions (#501)
Pickup Group Extensions (#501)
This System Programming procedure lets you assign extensions to a Pickup
Group. When a call rings at an extension in a Pickup Group, a user at any other
extension in the system can answer the ringing call by dialing the Pickup Group
code. The Pickup Group feature is useful when a user needs to answer calls on
lines or pools not assigned to his or her phone. The system supports up to four
Pickup Groups.
Related Features
For instructions on answering calls in a Pickup Group, see Group Pickup (I66G).
■ An extension can be assigned to as many as four different Pickup Groups.
■ Extensions where extra alerts (such as a loud bell) are installed can be
assigned to a Pickup Group, to enable anyone who hears the alert to
answer the call.
Valid Entries
1 = Assigned to group
2 = Not Assigned to group
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)
To assign extensions to a Pickup Group:
1. Press
f 0 0 s s # 5 0 1 at extension
10 or 11.
2. At the Group: prompt, enter a group number (1–4). For example, to select
group 1, press
1. A display similar to the following appears:
Pickup Group 1
3. Enter the number of the extension to be programmed. For example, to
select extension 29, press
2 9.
4. To assign or unassign the extension, press
D until the appropriate
value displays.