SMS (Short Message Service)
Select the desired mailbox. i # i
Enter its password.
3 “Send List” i #
4 Press {^} or {V} to select the message.
i #
5 " i “Edit Message” i #
i Continue from step 4, “Writing and
sending a new message”, page 30.
Erasing saved messages
" (middle soft key) i X i #
2 To access the public mailbox
“Public” i #
To access a private mailbox
Select the desired mailbox. i # i
Enter its password.
3 “Send List” i #
4 Press {^} or {V} to select the message.
i #
5 " i “Erase” i #
L To erase all messages in the selected
mailbox, select “Erase All”. i
6 “Yes” i # i {ih}
Receiving a message
When an SMS message is received:
– a tone is heard (if the handset ringer is
turned on)
– “Receiving SMS Message” is
– h is displayed
– the message indicator on the handset
flashes if the message alert feature (page
21) has been turned on
– the total number of new (unread) SMS
messages is displayed next to h
Reading a received message
" (middle soft key) i X i #
2 To access the public mailbox
“Public” i #
To access a private mailbox
Select the desired mailbox. i # i
Enter its password.
L If a mailbox contains new (unread)
SMS messages, “@” is displayed next
to the total number of messages for
that mailbox.
3 “Receive List” i #
4 Press {^} or {V} to select a message.
L Messages which have already been
read are indicated by a “Q”, even if
they were read using another handset.
L To erase a message, press G. i
“Yes” i #
5 Press # to read the message content.
L To call the message sender, press {C}
or {s}.
Replying to a message
While reading a received message,
press ".
2 “Reply” i #
3 Enter a message (page 39). i #
4 Edit the destination phone number
and/or press #.
5 Continue from step 6, “Writing and
sending a new message”, page 30.
Editing/forwarding a message
1 While reading a received message,
press ".
2 “Edit Message” i #
3 Continue from step 4, “Writing and
sending a new message”, page 30.
TG1861AL(e).book Page 31 Friday, March 31, 2006 3:28 PM