1 of 4 Rev. 0 May 16, 2000
L4LB Lever Hoist
Boeing Version
Owner’s Manual Insert
For Boeing versions of the L4LB lever hoist, the following
paragraphs, tables and figures replace in their entirety the
corresponding figures in the 3/4 to 9 Ton "Harrington
Cumalong Lever Puller, Model L4" Owner's Manual
(Page 8)
3.1 Principle and Operation of Chain Adjusting
3.1.1 Chain Adjusting Principle
: Improper Lever hoist use could result in death or serious injury. TO avoid
these hazards:
: NEVER touch the free knob during lifting or lowering of the load.
: ALWAYS Check that the change-over knob is placed in the proper
NOTE: If hand lever movement does not produce lifting, pull down on the load chain while
ratcheting until slack is removed.
3.1.2 Operation Method
To raise the hook: Under no load, set the change-over knob to the neutral position, “N”. Shorten
the length of chain between the bottom hook and the hoist by turning the free knob clockwise or
by pulling on the no-load side of the chain.
To lower the hook: Under no load, set the change-over knob to the down position “DN”. Ratchet
the lever assembly with one hand while applying a small load to the bottom hook (or load chain)
with other hand.
(Page 10)
4.2 Daily Inspection
(4) (not required for Boeing versions of the L4LB)