Product highlights
Highest quality CD player ever offered
by Meridian
Unique new proprietary filter with
‘apodizing’ performance realises the
promise of Compact Disc
New, improved DSP, CPU, clocking,
decoding, buffering and analogue
SpeakerLink RJ45 single-wire audio/
control interfacing capability
808.2 Player-only version, or 808.2i
Player/Preamplifier version including
built-in stereo preamp functionality
S/PDIF coaxial and RJ45 balanced
(AES/EBU) digital outputs for
connection to Meridian DSP
Loudspeakers or controllers
Balanced and unbalanced
analogue outputs, fixed or variable for
connection to preamp or power amp
Signature Reference Compact Disc Player
Meridian is the acknowledged leader in
high-performance Compact Disc playback,
and has held that pre-eminent position since
the release of the world’s first audiophile CD
player, the MCD, in 1984. Over the last two
decades, Meridian has introduced no less
than two dozen CD player models, each one
better than the last; each one redefining the
state of the Compact Disc art.
This steady process of improving CD
performance has been recognized by more
than 50 awards and has made Meridian
absolutely synonymous with the very best in
Compact Disc.
The 808 was introduced in 2004 to
immediate acclaim. Meridian hailed it as the
best CD player they had ever made. But,
since then, developments in technology and
innovations conceived in Meridian’s own R&D
laboratories have made it possible to better
even the best.
Now, Meridian introduces the 808.2: a proud
member of the 800 Reference Series and one
specifically developed to render the ultimate
performance possible today from the CD
Meridian Audio Limited
Latham Road, Huntingdon
Cambridgeshire PE29 6YE, UK
T +44(0)1480 445678
F +44(0)1480 445686
E info@meridian-audio.com
Meridian America Inc.
8055 Troon Circle, Suite C
Austell, GA 30168-7849, USA
T +1(404) 344 7111
F +1(404) 346 7111
The 808 was the best CD player we had
ever made – until the 808.2. For a quarter
of a century, Meridian has been making the
finest audiophile CD players. And now, with
the 808.2, we have made our best ever.
Meridian has been deeply involved in
developing technologies for higher quality
sound and for higher resolution delivery.
In fact, our technology was chosen to give
the ultimate sound on DVD and blue-laser
But, for a music lover the over-riding factors
in selecting content are first the catalogue,
then quality and finally convenience.
CD has an amazing depth of catalogue,
and if you are looking for a piece of music,
chances are that it’s on Compact Disc, and
that you have a choice of recordings. You
may find a download, but the quality or value
will likely be lower and no matter how fine
a new niche format may sound, if the music
you want isn’t available, then it has only
passing interest.
All the more reason, then, to continue our
quest to make Compact Disc sound the
very best it can. 808.2 inherits Meridian’s
25-year tradition of award-winning players,
yet sets a whole new benchmark.