Installation/Operating Instructions
220V Access Electric Projection Screen by Draper
Copyright © 2007 Draper Inc. Form Access220V_Inst07 Printed in U.S.A
These Installation/Operating Instructions are available in the offi cial language
of the country where you purchase the product. Please contact your distributor
to request a copy.
Vous pourriez demander les instructions d’installation et d’opération traduises
dans la langue offi cielle du pays ou vous achetez le produit. Veuillez
demander à votre distributeur.
Die Gebrauchsanweisung für Installation und Konstruktion sind in der
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Hanging Screen
When locating viewing surface and checking clear ance for screen operation,
remember surface is centered in the length of the case. Regardless of
mounting method used, the following points apply:
➀ Mounting brackets are packed separately in carton. Engage each bracket
with top of housing as shown below and tighten set screws. A bracket
should be within 46 cm of each end of screen case. Brack ets can be
removed and case mounted with lag screws through top of case (holes
drilled on site).
➁ Screen should be positively and securely supported so that vibration or
even abusive pulling on viewing surface will not weaken in stal la tion.
➂ Installer must insure that fasteners used are of adequate strength and
suitable for the mounting surface chosen. Supporting hardware (chains,
cables, rods, etc.) must be essentially vertical.
➃ Entire bottom of case must be readily accessible after in stal la tion is
Electrical Con nec tions
Screen operates on 220V AC, 50 Hz., 1 ph cur rent.
Junction box is lo cat ed just above the bottom access panel at left end of
screen (stan dard, right end may be specifi ed).
Remove the bottom access panel for access to the junction box cover. (See
Bottom Access Panel Removal instructions below). Remove four (4) hex head
screws that secure the cover to the junction box to expose the ter mi nal strip
per wiring diagram on page 4.
If optional low voltage control or video interface control is specifi ed and factory
installed, please refer to wiring diagram on page 3.
Screen is shipped with internal wiring complete and control switch(es) fully
boxed. Wire to connect screen to switch(es) and switch(es) to power supply
should be furnished by installer. Con nec tions should be made in ac cor dance
with attached wiring diagram, and wiring should comply with national and
local electrical codes.
All operating switches should be “off” before power is connected.
➀ Read instructions through completely before proceeding; keep them
for future reference. Follow instructions carefully. Installation con trary to
instructions in val i dates warranty. Care in mounting and correct operation
will mean long and satisfactory service from your Draper screen.
➁ Allow enough access to remove front cover should fabric be come
damaged or should other service be required.
➂ Screen should be installed level (using a carpenter’s level).
➃ Nothing should be fastened to screen dowel or viewing surface
➄ Operating switch(es) is packed separately in screen carton. Do not
discard with packing material.
➅ Screen operates on 220V AC, 50 Hz., 1ph. current.
NOTE: Screen has been thoroughly inspected and tested at factory and
found to be operating properly prior to shipment.
Bottom Access Panel Installation/Removal
Bottom access panel hooks over the lower in side edge of the screen hous ing
and then is pivoted downward until the engagement brackets on each end of
the bottom panel click into place with the ball detents on each endcap. Make
sure bottom access panel clicks in place at each end of its length.
Remove bottom access panel by pushing up at each corner of panel ad ja cent
to slot in bot tom of the hous ing.
With bot tom ac cess panel an gled up ap prox i mate ly at 20° it can be lift ed off of
the lip of the housing and then lowered out of the housing completely.
With bottom access panel
angled up approx. 20 degrees,
engage hook on the panel
with lip of the housing
Using the hook and lip as a pivot,
pull the panel downward until the
engagement brackets click into
place with the ball detent
on each endcap
Engagement bracket
(one on each end of the
bottom access panel)
Access case as seen from below
Bottom flange of Access housing
Bottom access panel pushup
points for panel removal
➄ Front, back and top of case must be straight—not forced to warp or bow.
➅ If case is painted on location, removal of roller/fabric assembly is
recommended prior to painting. If not removed, slot on bottom of case
should be shield ed to protect view ing surface from paint splatters or
➆ Do not seal unit in ceiling until elec tri cal con nec tions have been made and
screen has been op er at ed successfully.
If you encounter any diffi culties installing or ser vic ing your Access screen, call your
dealer or Draper, Inc., in Spiceland, Indiana, 765/987-7999 or fax 765/987-1689.
set of
Slots along
top of case
brackets to
be set at an
Case dimensions
on page 3.