52 OL-7762-02
To view the complete call record of a multiparty call, press Details. The Details record shows two
entries for each missed or received multiparty call. The entries are listed in reverse chronological order:
• The first logged entry is the name/number of the last completed call of a multiparty call received
on your phone.
• The second logged entry is the name/number of the first completed call of a multiparty call
received on your phone.
Dial from a call log
(while connected to
another call)
1. Choose > Missed Calls, Placed Calls, or Received Calls.
2. Highlight a call record from the log.
If the Details softkey displays, then that call is the primary entry of a
multiparty call. See the Tips section below.
3. If you need to edit the displayed number, press EditDial followed by << or
>>. To delete the number, press EditDial followed by Delete. (You may
need to press the more softkey to display Delete.)
4. Press Dial.
5. Choose a menu item to handle the original call:
• Hold—Puts the first call on hold and dials the second.
• Transfer—Transfers the first party to the second and drops you from the
call. (Press Transfer again after dialing to complete the action.)
• Conference—Creates a conference call with all parties, including you.
(Press Confrn again after dialing to complete the action.)
• EndCall—Disconnects the first call and dials the second.
If you want to... Then...