Using AutoAnswer
When AutoAnswer is enabled, your phone answers incoming calls automatically after a few rings.
Your system administrator configures AutoAnswer to use either the speakerphone or a headset. You
might use AutoAnswer if you receive a high volume of incoming calls.
If you... Then...
Use AutoAnswer with a
Keep headset mode active (in other words, keep illuminated) even
when you are not on a call.
To keep headset mode active, do one of the following:
• Press EndCall to hang up
• Press New Call or Dial to place new calls.
If your phone is set up to use AutoAnswer in headset mode, calls will be
answered automatically only if is illuminated. Otherwise, calls will
ring normally and you will need to manually answer them.
Use AutoAnswer with the
Keep the handset in the cradle and headset mode inactive ( unlit).
Otherwise, calls will ring normally and you will need to manually answer